Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Cancer - is there any help?

What do I do if I get cancer or another severe disease?
Is there a way to get well, or do I have to surrender to it, and accept my destiny?

Unfortunately the doctors often say that there is no help outside the traditional medicine.
But, is that really the truth?

If we are the ones that create our own reality, then we also create our illnesses.
And – for a reason.
It’s really unfortunate that the doctors insists on that there is nothing else to do but to give radiation and chemo.

What the doctors should put more emphasis to – there has been a lot of research in the placebo effect – is that the power of our thoughts are tremendously strong, and not say to their patients that this is the end and you only have a certain amount of months to live.

Instead the patient should be able to participate in a program where everything positive is lifted up, and where they look at things from a positive perspective. See the abilities instead of the impossibilities.

Many are the people that had to leave the doctors office with information that there is nothing to do. And – why should they fight when the doctor say that it’s impossible?

It is possible! It’s all in my own thought! Not in my surrounding world.

It would be really interesting to know how many percentage of all the cancer patients that has been thinking negative and low about them selves before they got their diagnosis.

But, now you think, my friend is positive and always happy. That couldn’t possibly be the reason…..

Do you know how your friend really feel on the inside? How the friend look at him or her self? And what the friends inner dialog with him or her self sounds like?

The most social and happy person could actually be the most destructive on the inside. Just takes a good actor, and the closest friends don’t have a clue.

There isn’t really a connection between how you act towards the surrounding people and how you act towards yourself.

Just think about how many times you kept something to yourself, not telling anyone how you felt………..

And when we think negative, it’s important that we turn it around to something positive, so that we don’t create an illness that’s going to become a lesson for us to become more positive.

If we just use the positive thoughts, and work with getting rid of all the negative thinking, worries and fears included, our negative manifestations are going to disappear from our bodies, our illnesses that is.

We have to live in symbiosis with our systems, our bodies, that is depending on our thoughts, they show us and are a living reflection of how we really feel.

So – is there a cure against cancer? Of course! Positive thinking, good affirmations and visualizations.
Sounds easy – but it’s not. Takes a lot of work, several times a day. But you get results.

Some other highlights:

Many people have been helped by eating Living Food. Here is one link:

Here’s a site with lots of stuff:

And I also like to lobby for :

Eat Selenium. 200-300 micrograms a day. At the most 315 for women and 395 for men.
Bean sprouts. (just be a little careful if it’s a form of cancer that is affected by hormones).
A big tablespoon Tumeric (or Turmeric) a day. Also good against inflammations and Alzheimers.
Tomatoes, strawberries and broccoli.

Healing is also a very good therapy. As well as acupuncture and acupressure…… the list can go on and on with methods that’s working with removing blockages from the body’s meridians and start up the body to heal itself.

Try different things, but the most important is to have Hope and THINK POSITIVE!

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