Is there really such a thing? And why - does it fill a purpose?
What we call "evil" is unknowledge. "Evil" people are young souls - souls that has not reincarnated that many times, or simply hasn't learned their lessons.
An old soul, that incarnated on Earth, or other planets, has been living many lives. That person has built in knowledge how to behave or how not to behave.
He knows what it feels like to be subjected to "evil" things, and that's why he doesn't do it to others himself.
He's been both good and "evil" and by that he has learned his lessons and now know how to act.
As souls we live in this eternal spiral, moving upwards, where we get more and more refined, life after life. As a raw diamond that gets it's shape along the way.
Planet Earth is a teaching planet, a school, where we reincarnate to get the ultimate experience with feelings that we can't experience in other dimensions.
Here, we are materializing our bodies to experience "good and evil". We all get our experiences, learn our life lessons. A lot of it all is planned before we get down here, because we know what parts we need to work on, what other souls we need to confront and solve issues with, in order to grow as souls.
A lot of this feels really hard, but there is a very nice lesson in it all. If we only are able to take it to our hearts, even if it feels like we want to run away from it all, see it as a cleansing for the better and thank the universe, god, for the lesson and release it, we've taken a step up and are leaving it behind us.
Lots of times, we see the whole thing very clearly, but only after a while when we have let go of emotional attachments to the experience.
If we instead are running away from it all, it will come back to us in another shapes and it will hit harder and harder until we give up and deal with it. It can take several lifes before we get the point and how to confront it. But sooner or later.........
We need to se setbacks and misfortunes as something good - they are a part of our curriculum in the school of life, that we ourselfs have been a part of creating for our own good.
But it's so hard many times to be able to see the meaning when your in the middle of something and just feel like a victim.
But it's so hard many times to be able to see the meaning when your in the middle of something and just feel like a victim.
That's when we need to take a step out of ourselfs and try to look at the situation from a more cosmic perspective. Consider that we have something to learn and that we are pieces of the great big puzzle of the universe. Well - is it really that serious, or do we make it this serious ourselfs?
Perhaps we need to take things a little more lightly, and try to say to ourselves - What good is this going to do in a hundred years from now?
It usually feels a bit better then...............
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