Buy a bundle of sage, lit it and let the smoke clean your body. From down under your feet and up all the way above your head, that way you clean your channel upwards too. The back is also an important part.
Use a beautiful bowl that doesn't get hurt from the heat and make a lovely ceremony out of the whole thing.
This is a cleansing that removes negative energies that's stopping up the natural flow, in all our bodies, that we need to feel good. You can even see it on the smoke, how it's moving - or not moving, if there's anything in the way.
If you feel down, maybe without a reason, then it's time to smudge with sage.
Clean the house where you live too. Go through all the rooms. Walk along all the walls and "wash" them with the smoke.
You can also clean furniture and things with sage. Lots of people buy things in auctions and second hand stores and bring into their homes, without knowing anything about the history about the thing. This thing perhaps need cleansing!
It can be very hard many times to realize that a furniture or a thing has brought bad energies into the house. It's hard to se the connection. Perhaps it's even necessary to bring in a medium, a psychic, to find out that it's this particular thing that brought these energies in, and are causing the bad vibes in the house and in the whole family.
Sometimes it helps to just clean the furniture with sage and the negativity is gone, but if this doesn't help, perhaps you need to bring in a person who knows what to do.
If you make this cleansing a habit every now and then, you're not going to encounter as much problems as you would if you don't do the cleansing. Perhaps not so easily get irritated, low, well, the list is loooong.....
So, if you do it every now and then you wont have that much resistance in your spiritual development either. You'll develop faster.
Happy Smuding!