Saturday, January 26, 2008


All right! New year, new energy, new projects!

Focus your good energies on Kenya, Sunday January 27 -08.
Just think good thoughts or sit down in a meditation, ceremony or pray.

Earthclinic is a really cool site I just "happened" to wind up in, when I was looking for a remedy when one of my dogs had an ear infection and was licking her feet.

They had lots and lots of remedies! And - they work!
And, by a "coincidence", haha, they just happened to have this global meditation project!

Sign up you to - the more, the merrier - stronger! And you'll get their newsletter with a reminder of the meditation and what the subject is!
A must do - for me anyway.

Also, they want to be able to document if there is any results! Isn't that really cool!

I think that we really have to join stuff like this, if we have any interest in a betterworld and believe in good energies.
Sign up and read more here:
Earthclinics websida!

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