Wednesday, February 21, 2007



Are you a Light Worker without knowing that you are? Or do you have one close to you, who’s not aware? Lots of people are living their lives without knowing that it is so.

Many Light Workers are poor and have different kind o diseases and perhaps hard lives. To overcome one of these thresholds, poverty – or perhaps more accurate, the poverty thinking, we need to transform our thoughts.

Have you seen the movie ”The Secret”? If not – do. During the movie, many people has had great epiphanies and started to think in totally new ways. People from the movie was on Oprah’s show the other day. The whole hour was about “The Secret”. If you didn’t see it, glue yourself to the TV if you spot it’s coming up……….. It was awesome.

The movie is about ”The Law of Attraction”, the unwritten law of how you get back what you give out – both positive and negative. What you think, you attract. Even if you try to keep something away from you, you are simply attracting it.

Here’s a good one: If I’m afraid of bees – who are they attracted to? Me. Or if I think that I’m afraid of falling and breaking an ankle. Then I already placed my order.

But if I instead think, or affirm, that I love the small, precious, cute creatures. Then I can turn the whole situation around and I will not have a problem any longer. Realize that they are more afraid of me than the other way around, and that I through my energies of fear, will attract them.

And what about the ankle? Well, just think in phrases like – with grace and ease will my strong feet and ankles carry me where ever I want to go.
You don’t even have to make it that complicated, just think that you have great ankles is also OK. That absolutely will work.

It’s the energy – negative or positive – that we put in there, that attract what we get. As long as you think positive instead of negative…..

So – is your glass half empty or is it half full?

It’s the same when you think that you don’t have enough money. If you keep thinking that you are poor and can’t afford things, you identify yourself with poverty and you can’t attract more money into your life, or hold on to the money you have.

If you see yourself as rich – even if you’re not from the beginning – the abundance will come to you in one way or another. Perhaps you have to work for it, but the work you put in to it is going to give you so much more than it would if you’re thinking poverty. Well, you see the principle, you got to keep your thoughts positive, that’s the main thing.

And remember: Every time you think negative of yourself or others, judging, irritated, angrily, disappointed, what ever that’s not uplifting thoughts – transform it to something positive.
For instance: When you goof up, instead of saying to yourself – You idiot, you can’t ever do anything right, tell yourself – I love you, you’re really good, you’re the BEST. Tra
nsform your negatives into positives and see yourself from a little distance.

But – what about those Light Workers… Since they really are needed, to enlighten others and work for and with the healing energies of the universe, we need to get them up and running.
If enough people are thinking positive thoughts about a special issue – the war in Iraq for instance – the whole situation will turn....

So, NOW is the time to wake everyone up, and to start our work with the positive energy. Ask your guides and light beings that they help to wake people up, and also that they help the light workers with their economy and their life situations!


Take care!

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