Sunday, December 9, 2007

Irritation & Energy Days

Have you also noticed how irritated you can get when new energies are showering us?

I feel like I could explode from my inner irritations those days.....

That is really proof for me that something is really happening, that the energies are coming through.

And, it's really nice to get an explanation to why you're feeling this way, without any reason.

Be aware off that these are the times we really, really need to be positive and think good thoughts!

IMPORTANT Days for Positive Thinking!

New and Full Moon


December 9:

New Moon

December 24: Full Moon


January 8: New Moon
January 22:

Full Moon

February 7: New Moon
February 21:

Full Moon

March 7: New Moon
March 21:

Full Moon

April 6: New Moon
April 20:

Full Moon

May 5: New Moon
May 20:

Full Moon

June 3: New Moon
June 18:

Full Moon

July 3: New Moon
July 18:

Full Moon

August 1: New Moon
August 16:

Full Moon

August 30: New Moon
September 15:

Full Moon

September 29: New Moon
October 14:

Full Moon

October 28: New Moon
November 13:

Full Moon

November 27: New Moon
December 12:

Full Moon

December 27: New Moon

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Vibration Increase

If you're not feeling really well right now - perhaps haven't done so in October and November - it could simply be because we are experiencing an increase of energy, and our bodies are not quite tuned in just yet.

Perhaps you've had colds or ache in you body or simply been more depressed than usual.

This is side effects that comes from our own bodies not being adjusted for the higher vibration that is going to raise the whole planet, including us. It's just taking us a little time to get acclimatized.

December 9 brings a new moon and it's supposed to take a turn for us that day. So, lets go for that............

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Full Moon Friday, October 26

· A full 24-hour transmission period
· Unified Meditation in 3 world times:

New York 9 pm, Paris 8 pm, Sydney 8 pm ·

Planetary Focus: The Ring of Fire Region

Pure human intentionality is combined with a massive crystalline energy structure. Referred to as the Crystalline Grid and the Grid of Unification, this structure is a highly advanced new earth energy system which covers the entire planet. This newly activated grid serves as the transitory bridge between consciousness paradigms.

The combined power of these two forces come together every new and full moon for a full 24-hour transmission period... this is termed, the Planetary Grid Transmissions. From this unified field, participants can expect to receive strong infusions of light which accelerate clearings, healings, openings and spiritual activation.

Through consistent sacred union on the grid, we are co-creating a vast worldwide web of heightened divine power and momentum. Many people are already reporting increased telepathy, vision and synchronicity in their lives.

Everyone is inspired to create their own network channels and help spread the word.

More human participation = more grid activation and power = more stabilization for humanity and the earth during her dimensional shift.

The Planetary Grid Project is helping to birth the new world consciousness and bring stabilization to the process. It is also helping all those that participate with developing skills of higher consciousness.


1. Connect to the grid through the heart. Remain in Love the entire day. Open to receive that which is in your divine alignment. Also serve as a portal and transmit love (and the grid energies) to your family, established network, earth and humanity. You can also be more specific. It is not necessary to understand, analyse with the mind. It is inspired to be simple and surrendered, with the unified field and in a state of BEingness and Love.

2. We link together as ONE soul family. We are connected to each other through our own crystalline energetic template. We are linking our bodies of light and creating a geometric, highly tuned merkaba light field. Many people feel a strong sense of unity all day. Stay connected to the grid, the field. It is especially strong during the Unified Meditations. You will be guided.


As a collective field, we are sending Love and the intention of stabilization to the Ring of Fire region, see map below.
You are Divinely and cordially invited to place this area known as the Ring of Fire within your Heart Centre. To draw forth this energy that is being utilised by Mother Earth for this transmutation and transfiguration of the old Lemuria, holding it in peace and surrounding it with God's Love and of the nurturing Mother. These energies of balance between the masculine and the feminine are extremely important for the New Erthe to appear before our very eyes. The New Lemuria is about to rise, we are all feeling this now more than ever and to do this we are being asked to see it take place in Balance, Harmony, Grace, Abundance and of course Unconditional Love. Once you have visualised the Ring of Fire within your Heart centre, breathe Divine Love into it encompassing all of the multi-dimensional facets of these changes, knowing without any shadow of a doubt, that all is in Divine Order and Divine Love and in accordance to Divine Will. With a combined focus around the world, Mother Earth shall do the rest.

Important Links:

World Clock Calculator (to figure the time of Unified Meditation your home zone)

Planetary Grid Transmissions - program details

Join Us! Meet the Children of the Sun Community

Visit our Activation Website:

For more info - The Planetary Grid Project:

NOTE: If these links do not work, please cut and paste into your browser's search bar.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Time To Spread Your Light! - October 2007

Oct. 2007 Your Light Is Needed Now
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

From October 15th through October 29th, 2007, every person on the planet has the opportunity to assist in fulfilling a very important part of the unfolding Divine Plan.
During these holy days in October, Lightworkers all over the world will volunteer to join forces with the Legions of Light throughout Infinity.

Through this unified effort of Heaven and Earth our victory is assured.Every person is a potential Lightworker, whether he or she realizes that Truth or not.
All one has to do to fulfill the role of Lightworker is to ask their I AM Presence to help them be an Open Door for the Light of God.

Then by invoking God’s Light into every situation that needs that healing unguent, the person becomes a powerful and deeply appreciated Lightworker.

The mission we are being called to fulfill at this time has been a work in progress since the initial impulse of Humanity's fall from Grace aeons ago. At that time, Humanity closed our Heart Chakras, so that we would not feel so much pain.

This tragic event forced our Mother God to withdraw Her life-sustaining Flame of Divine Love from the Earth and all Life evolving here.
This, in turn, caused the balance of the Divine Feminine on this planet to be reduced to a mere trickle of Her original power and influence.

After millions of years, our Mother-God has finally returned. Her Divine Love is gradually expanding through every Heart Flame, and She is reclaiming Her rightful position alongside the Divine Masculine pulsating within every soul.

Now it is time for the next phase of the Divine Plan. This involves reactivating the Heart Meridian within the body of Mother Earth. This Heart Meridian is the pathway through which the Diving Love of our Mother God nourishes and sustains the physical, etheric, mental and emotional strata of Earth.

Tragically, since the fall this pathway has been blocked, and for millions of years it has been dimly echoing within the body of Mother Earth.In order for the Earth to complete her Ascension into the 5th Dimension, it is imperative that this Heart Meridian be opened to full breadth.

When this occurs, it will enable every particle of Life to be bathed in the balance of our Mother God’s Divine Love and Reverence for Life, as well as our Father God’s Divine Will and Power.

This influx of Light will perpetuate a quantum shift in Humanity’s energy, vibration and consciousness, and it will catapult Mother Earth and ALL her Life further up the Spiral of Evolution. This Divine Mission is multifaceted and multidimensional.

There will be Lightworkers making a sacred Pilgrimage to the location where this Heart Meridian exists on the planet. They will serve as surrogates on behalf of Humanity and become mighty transformers of Light.
As they traverse the sacred pathway of the Heart Meridian, they will function like acupuncture needles, opening the blocked meridian and restoring the flow of Divine Love from our Mother God through the various strata of Earth.

During these sacred days in October, there will also be Lightworkers joining in consciousness from all over the world. These precious Ones will be projecting their Light and Love into the Heart Meridian and weaving their Divine Potential into the mighty Chalice of Light being formed by the Lightworkers on the Pilgrimage.

No part of the plan is any more important than another. All of the Lightworkers are vital to the success of this mission. Listen to your heart, and see how you can best serve in this glorious opportunity.

The Pilgrimage is booked solid and there is a waiting list for cancellations, but that does not mean that your Light is not necessary for this mission. Ask your I AM Presence how you can most effectively serve all Life at this moment.
You will be guided unerringly, and you will have wonderfully creative ideas on how you and your fellow Lightworkers can add your Light to this facet of the Divine Plan.

The possibilities are Infinite. Be the cocreator you are destined to be.Here is the path we will be taking along the Heart Meridian during our Pilgrimage from October 15-29, 2007.

Please join us in consciousness, and project your Light along this pathway in the body of Mother Earth. You are powerful beyond your knowing. Never underestimate your ability to add to the Light of the world.

Our sacred Pilgrimage will begin with a seven-day Mediterranean Cruise followed by a seven-day tour of the South of France.

The tour will begin in Barcelona, Spain. On October 16th, after a half-day tour of Barcelona, we will embark on our Mediterranean Cruise. Days 1-7:
This part of our sacred Pilgrimage will take place on the Italian cruise ship called The Costa Concordia, from the Costa Cruise Lines.

During our seven-day adventure, we will sail into the ports of Palma on Mallorca, Tunis, Malta, Palermo in Sicily, Rome, Savona in northern Italy and back to Barcelona. Each morning we will gather together on the ship to align with our mission for the day.

The Company of Heaven will guide us step by step through our pilgrimage. As we walk on Holy Ground in each of the locations where we land, the acupuncture point along that portion of the Heart Meridian will be activated.

Following that glorious experience, we will continue to the Pyrenees and the Cathar region of southern France. Here is a synopsis of the trip:

DAY 8: Montserrat - a fantastic mountain-top monastery, which has a great boys’ choir everyday. It’s awesome and will probably be the most important site in northern Spain.

DAY 9: Montsegur visit - the remains of the primary castle and place of the last stand of the Cathars. Overnight among the small, very beautiful 13th-century villages of the Aude region.

DAY 10: A gentle day visiting beautiful and historic Limoux with its famous winery where monks are said to have first conceived the concept of sparkling wine. Visit caves where wine is matured. Overnight in the Aude region.

DAY 11: Drive to historic Cathar/Knights Templar town of Castelnaudery for sight-seeing and local speciality lunch of Cassoulet - the origin of the casserole dish. Afternoon visit to explore old city of Carcassonne - world’s largest fortified town with real 13th-century castle. Overnight in Carcassonne.

DAY 12: Drive to Rennes Ie Bain to enjoy the Roman baths and hot mineral springs. Afternoon and evening - visit the church “La Madeleine” in Rennes Le Chateau, dedicated to Mary Magdalene and the Divine Feminine, possible site of the Holy Grail - see Da Vinci Code (Abbe Sauniere - Priory of Sion). After dinner at local restaurant, we will have a special visit to secret location for Divine Feminine meditation. Overnight in Carcassonne.

DAY 13: Aique Mortes - 3-hours’ drive to lunch in this unique and ancient village in the Camargue - famed place of gypsies and wild horses. Visil Ste Marie, said to be the landing place of Mary Magdalene and Joseph of Arimathea - beach meditation. Farewell group dinner. Overnight in Lourdes.

DAY 14: Depart in the morning - arrive in Toulouse by noon. This is the end of the tour. Easy access to Paris or Barcelona for your return trip home.We will all be in our right and perfect place for this part of the monumental changes that are taking place this year.

Now read the following words, and allow the Love of our Mother God to once again resonate within the deepest recesses of your Being.
Our Mother God Has ReturnedWith the return of our Mother God, and the Marriage of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine victoriously accomplished within every Heart Flame, Humanity must now realign with the Truth and Inner Knowing of what the Love of our Mother God really means in relation to our very existence.

The following information has been given to us by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth for our contemplation, and to assist us with our remembrance.So much has been written about Love that it has almost become a platitude, but the Transfiguring Divine Love of our Mother God is the mightiest force in the Universe.

It is the vibration from which we were born out of the Heart of God and the vibration through which we must evolve and Ascend back into the Heart of God.
The Love of our Mother God has no bonds, no barriers, no conditions. Within the infinite power of our Mother’s Love there is no pain nor sorrow, no lack nor limitation.

Her Love contains within its essence the full potential to rise above all human conditions, all self-inflicted suffering, all manner of chaos, confusion, hopelessness and despair.Our Mother God’s Love heals the illusion of separation. It rejuvenates, revitalizes and makes whole all it embraces.

It is the single greatest source of forgiveness, and it reverberates with the full gathered momentum of our Eternal Freedom. Her Love is the foundation of Creation and the balance of the One. It is the indivisible, unchanging ecstasy that allows us to know Love in all things.

When we experience the Love of our Mother God, we understand that we are all One. Whether we are a person, a magnificent Sun or a blade of grass, we are united in the Body of God by the all encompassing Light of our Mother’s Love.

As our Mother God reclaims this Earth and once again anoints Humanity with the Eternal Light of Divine Love, we experience true Peace. Her Love is now resonating in the core of our Beings; it is not outside of us.
We no longer need to seek the Divine Feminine from afar, we need to merely accept that our Mother God has returned, and that She is now abiding within our Heart Flames. Her Love is pulsating within the silent rhythm of every heartbeat, every breath.

It is the universal language now speaking to all Humanity through our gift of Life. As we listen in the silence of our hearts, we hear the tones and whisperings of Love inspired by the wonder of nature and the Music of the Spheres.
Our Mother God is now reestablishing Her Covenant of Love with the Children of Earth, which will enhance our ability to once and for all accept the gift of God’s Abundance. Through this Covenant, the supply of all good things will forever and ever flood into the hands and use of the Sons and Daughters of God.

The glory of God’s Abundance will be a manifest reality not only in this moment but far beyond Earth and time into Eternity.The effulgence of our newly-balanced Heart Flames is creating an environment of Love and upliftment around each of us.
When we turn our attention to the balanced expression of our Father-Mother God within our hearts, the illusion of separation is shattered. Our hearts are unified, and we once again experience the bliss of knowing we are One and that Love is all there is.

This knowing evokes from within the deepest recesses of our Beings a celestial song of Thanksgiving and a reverent feeling of Divine Gratitude. Every Sunrise we see, every flower that shares its perfume with us, every friend and loved one who warms our heart is a gift of God’s sustaining Love.

These sacred gifts inspire our perpetual adoration to the Cosmic I AM, All That Is.Our Mother God has placed us within a mantle of Her Love, and our nervous systems are being recalibrated to withstand the highest frequencies of the Divine Feminine. This mantle of Love will help to transform each of us into conscious, self-generating centers of Light and Love.

The tremendous impetus and magnetic pull of our Mother’s Love now flowing through our Heart Flames will stir the souls of Humanity. The invisible and resistless power of this Love will pierce into the sleeping spiritual centers of every member of the Human race and accelerate the awakening of each One.

We now, as never before, have the ability to merge our personal service to Life with God’s service to Life for the highest good of all concerned. Our Mother God’s radiant, universal Love is pouring through all of us without designating favor to a particular person, place, condition or thing.
Her Love is giving a healing, impersonal benediction to every particle of Life. The power and magnetic Love of the Divine Feminine is blessing all Life with an equal opportunity to respond. Every evolving soul is being given both the blessing and the responsibility of becoming an Open Door for Her exquisite Love.

Every Human Being now has the opportunity to become an instrument of God vested with the power to change the feeling worlds of all with whom we come in contact.
This will be accomplished not through our human will, but through the balanced power of the Flame of Divinity now blazing in our hearts.

When we agree to become a magnetic force of Divine Love, we draw to ourselves the loving support we need from those who are aligned with, and will assist us with, our Divine Missions.
This occurs not because of allegiance to a particular personality, but because of the affinity of our soul’s Light with the spiritual essence of the particular facet of the Divine Plan.As we expand our service to Life, we must reach up in consciousness and tap into the sacred knowledge and wisdom that will teach us how to effectively utilize the frequencies of Divine Love from our Mother God.

Her Love is a priceless gift that is now freely flowing through every Heart Flame. The more we understand about the power and might of this majestic force, the more effective we will be in assimilating it into our life experiences.

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purposea 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

FAX: 520-751-2981;
Phone: 520-885-7909
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included.

©2007 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth.

The Divine Intent of this information is to encourage, empower, uplift and inspire all of us by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but extremely challenging times.

Host Patricia Diane Cota-Robles Patricia also shares information from the Beings of Light on her radio show every week.

These celestial sharings are being given to Humanity at this time to give Humanity greater clarity and understanding about the events occurring on Earth.

The radio program airs Online every Tuesday morning at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time or 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the website .

This is a powerful opportunity for all of us to add to the Light of the world. Once the program has aired, it is available anytime, day or night, in the Content Library on Patricia's link on the 7th Wave Network website.

As you listen to this on-line radio broadcast, know that you are joining in consciousness with Lightworkers all over the world who are listening to this program with you.

Together, through our collective consciousness, we are cocreating a Chalice of Light that serves as an Open Door through which the Light of God is flowing to bless Humanity and all Life on this sweet Earth.

Sunday, July 15, 2007



Watch your thoughts so they keep positive, or do a meditation for an hour on July 17th 2007 in order to raise the vibrations on our planet.

This is a global event that I believe is going to be really, really powerful because people from the whole planet Earth is involved at the very same time.

Read more about it on Shelley Yates page
Here you see what time the event takes place in your timezone.
If it happens to be in the middle of the night - ask your guides to see to that you are participating in your sleep......unless you don't want to set the alarm.

She's been working a long time to get this single hour organized. She got into contact with light beeings when she was in a car crash, and was "dead" for at least fifteen minutes.

Read her wonderful story from no belief at all - to a deep contact with high light beeings from another dimension.


Please, copy and forward........

Thursday, May 31, 2007


Do a healing ceremony for Mother Earth!

This was initiated by the Hopi Elders.
Join this global event and do a ceremony your way, send light or meditate to heal our world! Alone or in groups.

Every year when the fullmoon is in Gemeni, at night when the sun sets, people all around the globe is gathering in this event.

Read more about it here!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

REMEMBER: Fire the Grid July 17

Read more about it posted in February under JULY 17 2007

JUNE 1 Peace and Healing

Participate in a Healing Ceremony for Planet Earth!

Every year when the fullmoon is in the sign of Gemini. This year, 2007, the date is June 1.

In the sunset - where ever you are on the planet - do a ceremony: Drum, sing, chant, pray, meditate or just do it the way that's the best for you. Send peace and healing energies to Mother Earth. - Click on A Healing Ceremony For Planet Earth.

There you can read more, and see how it all started with the Hopi Indians.



Get organized, as a group or an individual @:

Let the world know how powerful we are together as


This is really interesting.........
There's going to be people all over the globe, working
as one during these days, May 15-29. It's a huge movement.
All the deeksha people are involved as well............

This event is going to be the largest meditation and prayer event ever
performed. It's estimated that over 1.000.000 people will participate.

Check Common Passion out. You can register as an individual or a group.
Spread this, please! Spread the light!

Read more about the Breakthrough Celebration on:

With Love! Let's work together!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


One of the absolute best ways to clean ourselves and the place we live in is to use SAGE.

Buy a bundle of sage, lit it and let the smoke clean your body. From down under your feet and up all the way above your head, that way you clean your channel upwards too. The back is also an important part.

Use a beautiful bowl that doesn't get hurt from the heat and make a lovely ceremony out of the whole thing.

This is a cleansing that removes negative energies that's stopping up the natural flow, in all our bodies, that we need to feel good. You can even see it on the smoke, how it's moving - or not moving, if there's anything in the way.

If you feel down, maybe without a reason, then it's time to smudge with sage.

Clean the house where you live too. Go through all the rooms. Walk along all the walls and "wash" them with the smoke.

You can also clean furniture and things with sage. Lots of people buy things in auctions and second hand stores and bring into their homes, without knowing anything about the history about the thing. This thing perhaps need cleansing!

It can be very hard many times to realize that a furniture or a thing has brought bad energies into the house. It's hard to se the connection. Perhaps it's even necessary to bring in a medium, a psychic, to find out that it's this particular thing that brought these energies in, and are causing the bad vibes in the house and in the whole family.

Sometimes it helps to just clean the furniture with sage and the negativity is gone, but if this doesn't help, perhaps you need to bring in a person who knows what to do.

If you make this cleansing a habit every now and then, you're not going to encounter as much problems as you would if you don't do the cleansing. Perhaps not so easily get irritated, low, well, the list is loooong.....

So, if you do it every now and then you wont have that much resistance in your spiritual development either. You'll develop faster.

Happy Smuding!


We are constantly fed with new vibrations from the Universe, to be able to handle our ascention into the new dimension.

Many people are sensitive to this and are experiencing lots of feelings in their bodies. It's common to become shaky and to feel weird. Feels like the blood sugar went down the drain somewhere.

But, we have to go through this, it's only getting better and better.......
So ride it out.

Did you notice how many people that are awakening now and takes interrest in spirituality? Amazing, isn't it? Everything is speeding up. And all in good order, all according to the big plan.

We, ourselves, are also all the time working on raising our own tone, our vibration. We do it, aware of it or not. We work a lot when we are sleeping, out in the astral worlds, doing what we can there as well.
So, it's no wonder that we sometimes wake up in the morning and feel like we didn't get any rest what so ever.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Global Peace Meditations in May!

Join the world’s largest interfaith global meditation and prayer event ever performed. This will be a series of meditation and prayers for community and global peace to be held between May 15th and May 29th, 2007.

It is anticipated that over 1,000,000 people will participate in this two-week program from virtually every faith-system, religious group, indigenous community and meditation assembly currently in existence.

Interested? Click the pic to read more. Join, and spread the news.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Is there really such a thing? And why - does it fill a purpose?
What we call "evil" is unknowledge. "Evil" people are young souls - souls that has not reincarnated that many times, or simply hasn't learned their lessons.

An old soul, that incarnated on Earth, or other planets, has been living many lives. That person has built in knowledge how to behave or how not to behave.

He knows what it feels like to be subjected to "evil" things, and that's why he doesn't do it to others himself.

He's been both good and "evil" and by that he has learned his lessons and now know how to act.

As souls we live in this eternal spiral, moving upwards, where we get more and more refined, life after life. As a raw diamond that gets it's shape along the way.

Planet Earth is a teaching planet, a school, where we reincarnate to get the ultimate experience with feelings that we can't experience in other dimensions.

Here, we are materializing our bodies to experience "good and evil". We all get our experiences, learn our life lessons. A lot of it all is planned before we get down here, because we know what parts we need to work on, what other souls we need to confront and solve issues with, in order to grow as souls.

A lot of this feels really hard, but there is a very nice lesson in it all. If we only are able to take it to our hearts, even if it feels like we want to run away from it all, see it as a cleansing for the better and thank the universe, god, for the lesson and release it, we've taken a step up and are leaving it behind us.

Lots of times, we see the whole thing very clearly, but only after a while when we have let go of emotional attachments to the experience.

If we instead are running away from it all, it will come back to us in another shapes and it will hit harder and harder until we give up and deal with it. It can take several lifes before we get the point and how to confront it. But sooner or later.........

We need to se setbacks and misfortunes as something good - they are a part of our curriculum in the school of life, that we ourselfs have been a part of creating for our own good.

But it's so hard many times to be able to see the meaning when your in the middle of something and just feel like a victim.

That's when we need to take a step out of ourselfs and try to look at the situation from a more cosmic perspective. Consider that we have something to learn and that we are pieces of the great big puzzle of the universe. Well - is it really that serious, or do we make it this serious ourselfs?

Perhaps we need to take things a little more lightly, and try to say to ourselves - What good is this going to do in a hundred years from now?
It usually feels a bit better then...............

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Cancer - is there any help?

What do I do if I get cancer or another severe disease?
Is there a way to get well, or do I have to surrender to it, and accept my destiny?

Unfortunately the doctors often say that there is no help outside the traditional medicine.
But, is that really the truth?

If we are the ones that create our own reality, then we also create our illnesses.
And – for a reason.
It’s really unfortunate that the doctors insists on that there is nothing else to do but to give radiation and chemo.

What the doctors should put more emphasis to – there has been a lot of research in the placebo effect – is that the power of our thoughts are tremendously strong, and not say to their patients that this is the end and you only have a certain amount of months to live.

Instead the patient should be able to participate in a program where everything positive is lifted up, and where they look at things from a positive perspective. See the abilities instead of the impossibilities.

Many are the people that had to leave the doctors office with information that there is nothing to do. And – why should they fight when the doctor say that it’s impossible?

It is possible! It’s all in my own thought! Not in my surrounding world.

It would be really interesting to know how many percentage of all the cancer patients that has been thinking negative and low about them selves before they got their diagnosis.

But, now you think, my friend is positive and always happy. That couldn’t possibly be the reason…..

Do you know how your friend really feel on the inside? How the friend look at him or her self? And what the friends inner dialog with him or her self sounds like?

The most social and happy person could actually be the most destructive on the inside. Just takes a good actor, and the closest friends don’t have a clue.

There isn’t really a connection between how you act towards the surrounding people and how you act towards yourself.

Just think about how many times you kept something to yourself, not telling anyone how you felt………..

And when we think negative, it’s important that we turn it around to something positive, so that we don’t create an illness that’s going to become a lesson for us to become more positive.

If we just use the positive thoughts, and work with getting rid of all the negative thinking, worries and fears included, our negative manifestations are going to disappear from our bodies, our illnesses that is.

We have to live in symbiosis with our systems, our bodies, that is depending on our thoughts, they show us and are a living reflection of how we really feel.

So – is there a cure against cancer? Of course! Positive thinking, good affirmations and visualizations.
Sounds easy – but it’s not. Takes a lot of work, several times a day. But you get results.

Some other highlights:

Many people have been helped by eating Living Food. Here is one link:

Here’s a site with lots of stuff:

And I also like to lobby for :

Eat Selenium. 200-300 micrograms a day. At the most 315 for women and 395 for men.
Bean sprouts. (just be a little careful if it’s a form of cancer that is affected by hormones).
A big tablespoon Tumeric (or Turmeric) a day. Also good against inflammations and Alzheimers.
Tomatoes, strawberries and broccoli.

Healing is also a very good therapy. As well as acupuncture and acupressure…… the list can go on and on with methods that’s working with removing blockages from the body’s meridians and start up the body to heal itself.

Try different things, but the most important is to have Hope and THINK POSITIVE!

Monday, March 12, 2007



Got some money you would like to invest?

Why not invest in an Environment Fund?
Perfect if you don't want contribute to the distruction of our environment!

I don't know about the rest of the world - but Sweden has that great concept.

And - those funds are running better than the tradional funds! Awesome!

So - look it up in your home where you live. If there isn't any - Ask for it, sooner or later these kind of funds are going to show up all over the world!

This is a great way to get the whole wide world aware of the environment!

Global Warming - Act Now!

California is burning, once again.....

Hundreds of people are fleeing from their million dollar homes.

For the first time, UN is stating that the devastating hurricanes and fires in North America is an effect of the global warming.

And that, with 90 % certainty, it's caused by us humans.
We have to lower the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

So step up and take your responsability! Do what you can in order to use less fossile fuels. Drive a hybrid car is one. Use less electicity. Buy things that's good for the environment!

Everybody have to start to realize just how important this really is!

It's vital for our existence!

Spread the word!

Effect peoples way of thinking and actions!

Become an Ambassador for our Planet!

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Well, does it really have to be?

Could it be that it is I, myself, that actually make my life into a struggle?
I'm creating everything in my mind, the struggling too.

Instead of thinking that I don't want a thing to happen, turn it around and look at it from the opposite direction, in the positive way.

So dont be afraid that your car is going to brake down - turn it around and think that your car is a great car that's keep on running an running.

Be aware of what you are thinking - it's hard to imagine really how strong our thoughts are.

If you believed to 100% that you can fly - you would.
So watch your thoughts, so you don't order something you don't want......
In Light


The Peace Alliance is a nonpartisan citizen action organization advocating for legislation that supports a culture of peace. They work to foster positive, proactive change toward the creation of a more nonviolent and peaceful world.

The Peace Alliance is spearheading the national campaign to establish a
United States Department of Peace

Click the picture or use this link: to get to know more, and to sign up for the news letter!


Thursday, March 8, 2007


Each and everyone of us are radiating light from within. From the source.
We all contain of that light.

Some more concious of it and others not. Even the most "evil" person has the light within. There's a spark in everybody. No matter how dark it may look, it's there.

Then it depends on how much we have in our luguage, what we are carrying around from past lives. What we have experienced already is coloring how we act now.

We probably went through lots of lives where we all were bad guys. If we learned our lesson fast, we'd move on. But if we didn't, the lesson got more and more hard every time.

So there's really not any right or wrong. Just right, for you where you are right now, in you spiritual development. On your life path.

A murderer is probably exatly where he's supposed to be. And a murder victim is probably exactly where he's supposed to be. All, just to get the ultimate out of our experience, so we know how to behave later on. What to do - or not to do.

When we learned the lesson, it's like we feel it in our bones. We just know how it feels to be a murder victim, so that's why we don't kill others, and so on.....

And the law of karma automaticly is seeing to that karmic debts, good or bad, are beeing paid.

And if you are aware of the light within, and that you are a divine creature, you can act more concious and get rid of karma and learn your lessons faster.

You can be aware of "how you're supposed to" react. But if you react according to that is a different deal. That's not always that easy.
But just beeing aware of it and doing your best, could reduce the effect.

So, what is right, how are you supposed to react? With no judgement, no negative feelings
with just unconditional love. That's the goal......

Well, that's not easy! How do we get there?
Practice, practice and practice..........
Try to watch over your thoughts - keep them positive, meditate, affirm and visualize.

Use rawmodels. And - why not:
Fake It Til You Make It!
That's a good saying.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


"Trying to change physical conditions without changing my consciousness is like trying to change the reflection in a mirror without changing the object causing the reflection".

"The Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love in my heart is now expanding and connecting with the same Flame blazing in the hearts of every man, woman and child on Earth".

"This activity of Light is creating a powerful forcefield around the planet, an actual network of Light, a planetary grid system of Transfiguring Divine Love".

"I know that when we observe what is taking place in the world, it seems as if it will be in the far-distant future before Humanity's God Selves will finally be governing the planet, but that is not true. Actually, there are literally millions of awakening Lightworkers who, at this very moment, listen and respond to the Divine Directives of their God Selves".

A little something from Patricia Cota Robles book "HOME Heaven on Mother Earth".

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Patricia Cota Robles

Patricia Cota Robles is a woman well worth checking out. She has dedicated her life to enlighten people.

She says that we have been preparing us for eons, to help Planet Earth in the ascenson into the fifth dimension.

So we need to remember our source and the assignement we took on before we came down to the Earth, and begin our Lightwork.

She gives wonderful free seminars all over the United States, and has given workshops here and there all over the world. I was fortunate to attend one of her seminars a month ago.

Check her website, where you also can sign up for a news letter:
She also give talks on a spiritual internet radio station:
"Take charge of you life" Tuesdays 10.00 AM Pacific


That's really a good saying!
Just go for it.

You need more joy in your life, but you don't feel joyful at all?
Just fake it. Soon you will!

It's amazing what you can accomplish by doing so. You see someone you look up to,
and want to become more like that person.
Well, just work on it.

Perhaps pick different qualities from different people. It's probably pretty hard to
become just as Dalai Lama, but if you want to become more humble, he is a good
raw model. And if you just get a little bit of his humbleness, you're really on the way.

Saturday, March 3, 2007


Every now and then a little reminder that we have to be grateful is needed.

Check this cool and cute page:
We've got so much to be grateful for. For all the positive things, that we have a roof over our head, that we are happy, that we have food for the day, well - the list can go on and on for ever.

But, it's really important that we open our eyes and see what we've got - instead of seeing what we don't have!

Appreciate what you have and be grateful to have it surround you, that way you attract more!

We should also be thankful for the negative we have and are getting. It sounds strange but that's the reason why we're here.

And - the Paradise doesn't trigger anyone to keep on going.....

When we experience something that we interprete as negative, we should say our thanks for the cleansing and the teachings it's bringing.

There's always a teaching in the negative. In other words, the "evil" is good.



UFO science key to halting climate change: former Canadian defense minister

Wed Feb 28, 1:04 PM ET
OTTAWA (AFP) - A former Canadian defense minister is demanding governments worldwide disclose and use secret alien technologies obtained in alleged UFO crashes to stem climate change, a local paper said Wednesday.

"I would like to see what (alien) technology there might be that could eliminate the burning of fossil fuels within a generation ... that could be a way to save our planet," Paul Hellyer, 83, told the Ottawa Citizen.

Alien spacecrafts would have traveled vast distances to reach Earth, and so must be equipped with advanced propulsion systems or used exceptional fuels, he told the newspaper.
Such alien technologies could offer humanity alternatives to fossil fuels, he said, pointing to the enigmatic 1947 incident in Roswell, New Mexico -- which has become a shrine for UFO believers -- as an example of alien contact.

"We need to persuade governments to come clean on what they know. Some of us suspect they know quite a lot, and it might be enough to save our planet if applied quickly enough," he said.
Hellyer became defense minister in former prime minister Lester Pearson's cabinet in 1963, and oversaw the controversial integration and unification of Canada's army, air force and navy into the Canadian Forces.

He shocked Canadians in September 2005 by announcing he once saw a UFO.

Friday, March 2, 2007


What advantages is there really with meditation?

You don't get irritated and angry so fast

You're more balanced

You're more calm

You're emotions are not going up and down as much

You stay young longer

You're not affected by stress

Better order in your thoughts

You can handle anything

If you find yourself in a stressful situation, you just go into your little personal garden.

It doesn't take many minutes before you are back in you're calm mode.

No one can disturb your inner calmness. You'll even be able to find your calm in the middle of a crowd - with your eyes opened. You just pick up the feeling you have when you are sitting in meditation, and perhaps see yourself in your own personal place.

I met several people that said that they would never be able to meditate, and that they never could relax. A meditation would never work for them.

Guess how happily surprised they were after trying to meditate and discovering that it actually worked, and they loved it.

We are living in a time where we have som many musts. We are stressed out and don't think we have any time for ourselves. We are ambitious and are running over ourselves in our hunt for the material stuff we want to surround us with.

We got to fit into the society through standards as beeing ambitious, earn a lot of money, get a lot of material stuff and - debts.

This is an escape from our inner spiritual development, that we really are here to work on, not how we look in the eyes of our neighbors, collegues and friends.

When you meditate a DHEA hormone substance is developed in your body. DHEA is a hormone that decreases with age, and it's the cause of aging. So if you meditate, you stay younger in body and mind.

If you want to get in contatct with your Higher Self, the spirit world reach enlightenment, Christ Conciosness - meditation is a really good tool.

There is many different kinds of meditation.

It's best to start with just a relaxing meditation, just sit and still your mind with some calm and serene music. Then you can go further with different techniques according to what you want to accomplish.

Go Meditate!



Often our lives can feel meaningless - but is it really that bad?

We can feel that we have an inner longing for something, want to get away somewhere, don't want to be where we are. But - there's a meaning with where we've been placed.
Living as a prince in a castle or sleeping in the street as a homeless, who - by the way - are as much worth as the prince, and should be treated with the same respect......

Wherever you are, you spread the LIGHT. If you read this, then you ARE a LIGHTWORKER and are spreading the LIGHT wether you know it or not.

So, the place where you live, probably need LIGHT, and you are working, even if you don't know it, as a channel for the LIGHT.

The vibrations needs to be raised on our planet and in certain places there's more need for LIGHT than others. Mother Earth has, just as ourselfs, meridians that can get blocked for one reason or another.

Just an example:
Lets say that a couple of hundred years ago, there was one or more people who where very negative, living in a spot. During that time there was a block built up that Mother Earth was not able to remove, so now she needs a little help in doing so. And there you are.......

So you should be happy and grateful to have the opportunity and ability to work as a tool and help out with this assignement. When the time is ready, you pack up your stuff and move on to the next project. And that could be the place where you like it so much and are vibrating in so good vibrations together with the place and the people around you, so you decide to stay there.

Happy LightWork!

WWF - Save the polar bears!

Our Polar Bears are drowning.

Soon they don't have enough ice to live on.

There is lots of endangered species.

Read more about them and what you can do about it at:

WWF - World Wildlife Fund or World Wide Fund for Nature is struggling for a LIVING PLANET!


We are entering a new dimension before 2012 is coming to an end. Everybody is talking about it - but what is really going to happen?

Ascention - all souls are going to develop, our vibrations are going to get raised, so the tone we are vibrating on is raising and by that, the tone of our Planet is vibrating on is also raising. The whole planet is going to ascend in to the fifth dimension.

What does that really mean?

We are going to remember our source, who we really are, where we come from and where we are going, our goal. We are going to be connected to the Christ Energy, just like some reincarnated souls already have achieved - Jesus, the Ascended Masters and Buddha, just to mention some of the most well knowned.

We all came down to the Earth to work with our and the Planets ascention to the fifth dimension. We didn't succeed earlier, but now we get a new chance.
The whole Planet had a chance before, thousands of years ago, but didn't make it.

The other Planets in our system made it, that's why it looks like the Planets around us are dead, the souls that live there have ascended to the next dimension, but we didn't so we can't see them, because we are in different dimensions.

To have Christ Conciousness means to be in contact with Source, where we come from, the Universe, God or what word we want to use. And that we have all the knowledge inside of ourselfs. All wisdom.

War and beeing treated bad is just a memory.

The Christ Energies are pure love - unconditional love - no ego. The ego is our enemy that stops us on our spiritual paths..... Ego is what we're here to work with, to be able to progress as spirits on our eternal road upwards.

The ego is working against the intuition that is our true being, the soul - and the soul is only love.

But - we're down here on Earth for a reason. To learn. To develop as spirits. We can't experience feelings on the "other side" as well as we do here......

So, we have to work, work to think more positive thoughts and act more positive. Not judge. Not be mean to others. Or to ourselfs.
The list is long.
What we think, we give out, in energies. So, we can't hide it, even if we worked really hard on our poker faces.

Even if we are humans that do everything for everybody, and are nice to people, but are beating ourselfs up on the inside and are thinking negative about ourselfs and perhaps about others as well, we are creating RINGS ON THE WATER in the Universe's energies.

And what you give out - you attract - even your thoughts, and that is what you get back. LAW OF ATTRACTION. What you are, in your inner core, your most inner thoughts.
So if you wonder why you keep on giving and never get anything back, it could be caused by what you really think about it all.

If you give, you should give with your heart, or not at all.

But, no one could not have noticed that a lot of people are wakening up right now and realizes that there is something more than just what we see. And they want to do something. For them selfs and for others, for everybodys development.

Lots of good stuff is going on right now. And it's us, ourselfs that creates it all!



You become how you breath.

To breath right is vital for our whole existence. You tell your body – and spirit – how it’s supposed to feel, through your breathing.

If you breath small, short breaths, you wont get the oxygen you need and your body isn’t going to feel good. Your spirit neither.

By breathing small, short breaths you tell your body to prepare to run from something. Because, how do you breath in a pressed situation? – Short breaths!

It’s how the nature prepare us, all beings – animals and humans – if we get scared, to breath fast and shallow.

So, in other words, when you breath shallow, your body believe that you are preparing to flee in one way or another. And it’s prepared – and tensed.

If the body is prepared all the time, it doesn’t get the rest it needs either. And you can enter a stress that’s hard to break.

Try to breath in really short, shallow breaths for some seconds. Notice how it feels in your body. Now – breath long, relaxed breaths. Do you notice the difference in your body?

It’s like a peace, and calm, is entering your body, right?

Paul Brunton, an esoteric author, is pointing out the importance of the breathing when you are trying to get in contact with your Higher Self. I read a book he wrote, many years ago, where he gives advices about the breathing, and it helped me a lot. The breathing is such a good tool to get to thrive.

I remember that he said that you should try to work to get your inhale and exhale to last for fifteen seconds. It’s a lot of work in the beginning, almost painful. But it gives great results. You just have to practice and practice. In the beginning it can feel like you’re not getting enough air, so you almost get a panic. Just take it easy.

Inhale, rest for just a little while, and then exhale. Remember the goal is fifteen seconds, so it’s nothing you are supposed to be able to do already from the beginning……

But the more you succeed to breath in long breaths, and get it to become a routine, the more calm you will feel. You are telling the body and the mind that all is calm, and that way you are becoming calm as well.



Use your intuition when you choose lectures and Gurus.


If you just knew how much knowledge you are sitting on, deep within. And - that everybody is worth exactly as much as anybody else.

But the fact that we have teachers every here and there, who shows us a piece of our path, is really good. They are absolutely needed, to wake us up and remind us, give us inspiration and highlight our day.

But – they are not here for us to put on a pedestal and worship. They took on an assignment to help people to open up to remember their source and to work towards the common goal to lift Planet Earth in to the fifth dimension.

Listen to your intuition, and see to that it feels right and real what you hear. Take in what’s right for the moment and just let the rest pass by. And remember - What’s right for you is perhaps not right for someone else. So don’t lecture others……..unless they want it.

We all have knowledge deep inside of us, we only have to lift the veils away. If you only have the will and work for it, the veils are going to get thinner and thinner.

Everybody needs to be reminded every now and then, so go and listen to an uplifting lecture. Read a good cheerful, spiritual book. Enjoy the day.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007






Al Gore's movie - "An Inconvinient Truth" got an Oscar! And Melissa Etheridge, for her song in the movie, too. It's certainly is working in the right direction!
Now we're just hoping for Al Gore getting the Nobel Peace Price as well!



Please sign this petition, cut, paste, and forward to all your friends. When it has100 signatures, send it to President George Bush, email address: with the subject:
"100 Signatures on petition for President Bush".

BUT - remember to start (make a copy) a new email to forward... Feel free to translate into other languages, but you need to keep an English version - the original - in your email too.
If you want to send this to other leaders of our planet too, just change the text as needed. Go ahead and be creative!

Let's work together and do some good for Mother Nature, and thereby ourselves and our children!


A Pledge for our World Legacy to President Bush:


The World has ten years to avert a major catastrophy - the former Vice President Al Gore states in his movie "An Inconvenient Truth"

Kofi Annan said in 2006 in his speech at the UN Environmental Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, that the world's leaders have to put in as much money to prevent the earth's climate changes as they now put into wars and fight against weapons of mass destruction.

And he also says that the environmental changes are a threat to peace and safety.

So, Mr. President, you have got the power to change a whole world - Why not take that challenge?

Take the chance to be remembered for doing something really good for this planet, instead of being remembered for the war in Iraq!

We all need to take our responsability for our Planet, but the leaders of the world needs to set the good example!

I have signed my name because I want you, President Bush, to start to work for the environment and do all that is in your power to prevent the earth's climate changes!
Please do what you can to save our World!


When the list has100 signatures, send it to President George Bush, email address: with the subject: "100 Signatures on petition for President Bush".

Thursday, February 22, 2007

JULY 17 2007


Hey Lightworker!
Do something good for Our Planet?

Here's a way of doing it:

JULY 17 2007 at 11.11 Greenwich Mean Time

After an accident when Shelley Yates and her son drowned and were dead in 30 minutes, Shelley is communicating with light beeings that asked her to unite the whole world to FIRE THE GRID to heal the World.

Read more about the whole event here:

Be sure to put the date in your calendar, and spread the word!

At the website there's also a Realtime World Clock, so you can see what time the event takes place in your timezone.

The website is also in several different languages.




All You Need Is Love............
That's true.
But to be able to love someone else, first you have to love yourself.
Lots of truth in that too.
But, it's not really that easy, is it? Can you honestly say that you love yourself?
Could need a lot of training before getting there. But - it's possible. No matter how much you dislike yourself, it's possible.
If you like yourself, people around you automatically like you too.
Rings on the Water..........
If you look down on yourself, others will do that too. You can't expect people to respect you.
But how do we turn this around?
Actually, its pretty simple. - Affirmations. You just have to be stubborn and patient. Tell yourself - I Love You!
You don't have to mean it - first.
But, you will after a while. You need to reach critical mass, 51%. When you belive what you are telling yourself to at least 51%, then it's going to start rolling by it self.
You'll pass a mirror at least once a day, right? Look yourself in the eyes and say, loud, - I Love You!
Go ahead and laugh if you think you're being silly. You might even get embaressed.
If it's really bad, you can feel nasea. Good, just keep on going. Don't give up! It starts a cleansing.
Keep on saying this several times a day, every day, until you feel that you really mean it in heart and soul.
Power of Thought is the Strongest There Is