Thursday, March 27, 2008

In these times that we are living in, it’s good to remember that, in spite of everything looking worse and worse with murder and all kinds of bad stuff just increasing more and more, it is because of the light is coming in on all levels and is cleaning out negativity.

It gets rid of garbage, presses negative stuff out and the result we see is of course the bad, negative things. And it sure looks really dark a whole lot of the time.

This has to happen - in order for the cleansing to happen. All according to the great, big plan, that we decided on being a part of before we came down to this planet.

We are getting closer to the magical year of 2012, and it’s like everything is speeding up.
Remember that all is good. Search for you inner peace instead of looking at the insecurity in the world.

Have a look at yourself from a higher prospective. If you can place your consciousness out in the universe for a little while, and look down on Earth and imagine how you lived life after life in different rolls, then you also can realize that it’s all a part in the great, big plan for all of us to develop in the most ultimate way.

So - All is Good!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sunday March 30, 2008 - Free Teleseminar

"How to Hear the Voice of God"FREE Teleseminar: Sunday Night

Susan Shumsky is giving a free teleseminar about:

"A spiritual self help program. Learn how to listen to the "still small voice" within. Use that profound spiritual connection in your everyday life to solve problems and receive divine guidance, love, healing, wisdom, and inspiration from within yourself."

Turn you lights off March 29 -08

Join World Wildlife Fund for the global "Earth Hour" by turning off you lights on March 29.
Read all about it and sign up here:

Friday, March 7, 2008

Beauty without the sooooo unnecessary cruelty

I finally found a brand that doesn't test on animals that you actually can buy in WalMart.

And - it's not expencive!

And - it's good!

Look for it in stores, or buy online!

Thursday, March 6, 2008



Just in case you haven't seen that Oprah and Eckhard Tolle is doing a FREE 10 weeks class on the Internet - 750 000 persons was logged on last Monday when they where doing their first broadcast! You don't have to sign up to look...

When: Monday - go to the webpage to see what time it is for you.

How: Watch on the Internet or download it...

