Saturday, February 23, 2008

Did you know.....?!?


... that Mars, M&M's, Snickers, Twix, Dove, Three Musketeers, Starburst, Skittles and more, is TESTING THEIR STUFF ON ANIMALS???

Didn't have a clue about that!!!
Until today.

Smurfing around, signing petitions against animal cruelty when I found this:

Go there and sign that you are NOT accepting this!

And - I just wrote IAMS a message, that I'm not going to buy their products any more, because they are testing on animals!

We have to do it - Tell companies how you feel about what they do to animals!
Write them directly and sign petitions. We got to stop this insanity!!!

And - Who's going to stop it, if not we, ourselves....

Yo Hackers!

... spammers, spreader of viruses and more.

Why not do something good with your energies instead? Hack into companies that are testing on animals and don't destroy innocent, poor peoples computers.

I'm totally convinced that you are gonna get much bigger headlines if you change company logos to something funny and witty......

And you - who are interested in sending out all of these totally meaningless emails just to see them go round and round, why not write emails that make people stop buying from companies that tests on animals........

Put all of that energy into something sensile instead, and feel really good about yourself!
Make a difference in the World!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

New Community!

Here's a really cool new community!

Just recently borned, spreading like a fire all over the globe.

Lots of humble people with nice things to share.

All about spirituality - meditation, channeling, Ufo, Ashtar, awakening, you name it.......

Check it out, click the pic and you're there.

Browse around, read, perhaps post something yourself. Welcome! Hope to see you there.....


Friday, February 1, 2008

Help Earth Clinic's Meditation Circle Grow!

Earth Clinic wants to become the largest meditation/prayer group on the planet.

It's an experimental group that focuses the energy on a subject every first Sunday

of each month, (there's also a weekly group) and then they look for results in the media.

Sign up - to get info on the subject - and read all about it at: